The purpose of the project. Provides uninterrupted and fully controlled supply of goods that require cold storage and transportation (transportation), using a decentralized smart platform, Zeto. Thanks to ZetoChain technology, consumers and manufacturers will be able to check and monitor the quality of products delivered using mobile applications.
The problem. There has been no secret that the high growth rate of food consumption in Europe and America is characterized every year by perseverance. Every year the requirements for product quality continue to grow. Consumers want to see a safe product with quality assurance. In turn, retailers also want to follow the rules set for transportation, storage and product movement. Especially concerning goods that special conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) are decisive for safety when they appear on store shelves. Of course, companies want to maintain their brand name and their partners. However, in this rather inconvenient chain - from the exit of the conveyor to the consumer basket - you may lose some of the links out of control, which, unfortunately, has happened and is still happening.
Technology. Team Zeto has a lot of experience in the sale of food products. This skill allows the introduction of blocking technology into existing systems. Zeto understands that retailers today need a smart solution that enables the use of advanced technology to reduce related costs and risks. Undoubtedly, the leading role in solving the use of intelligent technology is played by improving profits and reinforcing brand reputation. Zeto proposes to introduce SaaS technology (Software as a Service) for the global commercial refrigeration industry. Zeto uses data analysis and IoT (Internet of things) technology to operate ZetoChain's smart platform ecosystem to manage cooling equipment,
Given the difficult issues and the degree of responsibility placed on the supplier of the product, the decentralized ZetoChain platform for food safety control when moving it is the industry's optimal solution.

Project ecosystem. Each product is marked with a barcode before exiting the production line, set by the platform using an intelligent contract that contains transportation technology condition parameters (eg, temperature and humidity). Then the product is placed in a cold storage equipped with a sensor, which in turn controls the parameters set in real time. In this case, tracking is available in mobile apps. When the goods hit the retailer, the tracking system continues to work. Buyers can get acquainted with product storage histories before buying them because of the mobile app. When the product is sold, the system captures the specified compliance with all stages of transport and storage, confirms security and only after it marks the smart contract as deferred.

Conclusion.In my opinion, the project is quite promising. The idea of the project is simple and transparent. The project team consists of 20 members, founders and developers, including 5 advisors. The team itself is experienced, the specialists from both the IT segment and from the logistics and food supply sector are represented. Obviously, the project was not born spontaneously, the project documentation was well prepared, an informative colorful site with graphics and textual information, detailed statistical studies and data are presented. To date, the project has competitors, but the technology offered by Zeto has no analogues so far. Such an industry as the movement of goods has huge cash flows, but the main motivation for successful activity is client-oriented and quality of goods,
Details of the sale of ZetoTokens tokens:
- Sale dates: from 9 to 31 July
- Token type: Ethereum ERC20
- Method of application: ETH
- Total pool of tokens: 340 million ZetoTokens
- Sold for sale: 150 million ZetoTokens
- Allocated for pre-sale: 40.8 million ZetoTokens
- Bounty rewards: 8.5 million. ZetoTokens
- For private investors: 24.7 million ZetoTokens
- Reserved for Zeto: 116 million.
- Price of the ZetoTokens: $ 1/10 Tokens
For more information visit;
BY: kolorijo90
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