About Sharevest
Sharevest provides this one platform where business owners meet investors all around the globe. It is a global exchange platform that allows one to buy, sell or trade stock ownership and in doing so provide liquidity to private markets. Investors and shareholders can communicate in this community and bring their ideas together to serve their common interest such as building a great company and successful exiting. Sharevest will use the blockchaing technology to provide capital raising toolkit for enterprise owners so that they can raise capital for the growing of their businesses. The platform’s uniqueness stems from the combination of crowdfunding, peer to peer lending, public market trading and the use of blockchaing technology to enable instant transactions with low transfer fees when investors buy into companies with the use of fiat or cryptocurrency.
Why join Sharevest?
Sharevest aims to provide the financial ecosystem that will help in the development and successful growth of companies.
• You can save time and money with our secured and instant transactions with low transaction fees.
• Our Distributed Ledger Technology is embedded with rules, smart contracts and digital signatures and hence eliminates paper trails and dependency on lawyers.
• Sharevest’s system architecture is designed to counter ICO thefts and cryptocurrency hacking in order to ensure security.
• You can save time and money with our secured and instant transactions with low transaction fees.
• Our Distributed Ledger Technology is embedded with rules, smart contracts and digital signatures and hence eliminates paper trails and dependency on lawyers.
• Sharevest’s system architecture is designed to counter ICO thefts and cryptocurrency hacking in order to ensure security.
The appropriated record advancement (DLT) will be at the point of convergence of all exchanges later on, bringing unequaled viability, straightforwardness and security. Globalization has conveyed open entryways for specialists to offer things and organizations to an ecumenical market, making the imperative for ecumenical notional hypothesis.
Sharevest gives an ecumenical business focus to exchange an incentive for subsidizing to the private markets, speeding up improvement an ecumenical level to early organizations and SMEs. The Sharevest convertible token (SVX) will engage us to fabricate this dynamic stage.
How does Sharevest Work?
Sharevest provides the platform where business owners/founders introduce their company and its value to investors. Comprehensive data (individual profile, company information, company share register, etc) is made available to investors on this platform. The investors review this information in order to inform their decision in their investment. Electronic share certificate is drafted and distributed to the investors for simplicity. Below is a detailed diagram of how sharevest works.

With the beneath elucidation few will recorded, getting for more data at that point visit whitepaper
With the beneath elucidation few will recorded, getting for more data at that point visit whitepaper
- Blockchain Technology: Distributed Ledger Technology offers more famous straightforwardness, and modernized authentication of consistence. The cryptographically formed system is composed with the point of being unbreakable and to an incredible degree dependable. At present, IPOs and other operational trades in the standard exchanges are coordinated with inefficient and expensive paper-predicated records. The arrangement of electronic dispersed records, introduced with rules, splendid contracts and automated imprints, will go far past paper predicated models and break the dependence on licit advocates. This grave advancement brings extended straightforwardness, security and speed to the securities trade structures used by ShareVest.
- Comprehensive venture stage
- Share enlist digitization and Share holder archive sharing
- Automated offer enlistment center updates and Authentic-time value exchange
- Perspicacious contract and Digital cash
- Individual utilize profile and Open speculation round
- A Single Shareholder and Employee Share Buyback Administration
- Primary and Secondary Market and Share Auctions
- Astronomically massive Data and Market Trends and Debt Financing and Convertible Debt
- Secure Capital and Holdings and Instant Capital Approbation and Transfer
- Low exchange and Commission Fees and Low fiat and cryptographic money trade charges
- Security and Platform due tirelessness, Notifications
Token Distribution
Token Protocol: ETH, ERC 20
Accepted Contributions: ETH
Token Symbol: SVX
Total Token Supply: 200,000,000 SVX
Pre-ICO date: June-July
Pre-ICO value: 1 SVX = $ 0.13
ICO date: July-August
ICO round value: 1 SVX = $ 0.20
Minimum/Maximum Cap: 1 MM/21MM
The company has been founded in December, 2016 and has since undergone some milestones up to know. Below is the 2018 – 2019 roadmap;
• MILESTONE 6 (January 2018)
Working towards ICO
First draft of the ICO website and drafting the Whitepaper begins
• MILESTONE 7 (February 2018)
Alpha Completed
Alpha version of Sharevest is complete and marking for the ICO begins
• MILESTONE 8 (March 2018)
ICO Preparation complete
Website, Whitepaper and Beta uploaded to the website
• MILESTONE 9 (May 2018)
Sharevest ICO begins
Option to use Ethereum and Bitcoin,
• MILESTONE 10 (Ocober 2018)
Sharevest ready to launch
The SVX community have a chance to see the product, test, suggest new features or amendments
• MILESTONE 11 (December 2018)
Sharevest is live
Sharevest 1.0 is released
• MILESTONE 12 (November 2019)
Startups can join the platform
• MILESTONE 13 (December 2019)
Sharevest token buyback program begins
• MILESTONE 6 (January 2018)
Working towards ICO
First draft of the ICO website and drafting the Whitepaper begins
• MILESTONE 7 (February 2018)
Alpha Completed
Alpha version of Sharevest is complete and marking for the ICO begins
• MILESTONE 8 (March 2018)
ICO Preparation complete
Website, Whitepaper and Beta uploaded to the website
• MILESTONE 9 (May 2018)
Sharevest ICO begins
Option to use Ethereum and Bitcoin,
• MILESTONE 10 (Ocober 2018)
Sharevest ready to launch
The SVX community have a chance to see the product, test, suggest new features or amendments
• MILESTONE 11 (December 2018)
Sharevest is live
Sharevest 1.0 is released
• MILESTONE 12 (November 2019)
Startups can join the platform
• MILESTONE 13 (December 2019)
Sharevest token buyback program begins
Team Members
Below are some of the energized team members ready to make this great project a success;
Executive team
• Caleb Barnes-Christian - CEO & Founder
• James Whyte - Chief Economist Strategist
• Michael Christensen - Advisor, CTO
• Hadrien Forterre - CLO
Development team
• Gareth Christodoulou - Frontend Developer
• Chike Chiejine - Full Stack Developer
• Harpeet S Chawla - Advisor, Senior Backend Developer
• Raman Lakhanpal - Front End Developer
Investment Analyst
• Daniel Afan Jones - Adviser, Financial Markets
• Adam Sosnowski - Financial Analyst
• Alexander Hein - Advisor, Senior Associate Consultant
• Matthew Richards - Advisor, Investment Analyst
• James MacIntyre - Advisor, Investment, and Risk
• Leonardo Fabbri - Securities Analyst.
Executive team
• Caleb Barnes-Christian - CEO & Founder
• James Whyte - Chief Economist Strategist
• Michael Christensen - Advisor, CTO
• Hadrien Forterre - CLO
Development team
• Gareth Christodoulou - Frontend Developer
• Chike Chiejine - Full Stack Developer
• Harpeet S Chawla - Advisor, Senior Backend Developer
• Raman Lakhanpal - Front End Developer
Investment Analyst
• Daniel Afan Jones - Adviser, Financial Markets
• Adam Sosnowski - Financial Analyst
• Alexander Hein - Advisor, Senior Associate Consultant
• Matthew Richards - Advisor, Investment Analyst
• James MacIntyre - Advisor, Investment, and Risk
• Leonardo Fabbri - Securities Analyst.
All the important information can be found here:
- Website: https://sharevest.co/
- White Paper: https://sharevest.co/clkn/http/sharevest.co/WHITEPAPER.pdf
- Telegram: https://telegram.me/sharevestX
- Facebook: https://sharevest.co/clkn/https/www.facebook.com/sharevestx/
- Twitter: https://sharevest.co/clkn/https/twitter.com/sharevestX
Author by : kolorijo90
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